Prof. Sangeeta Sharma, Professor & Head, Deptt. of Neuropsychopharmacology, Institute of Human Behaviour & Allied Sciences, Delhi

Executive Vice President
Dr. N.V. Kamat, Former Director Health Services, Govt. of NCT of Delhi

Vice President
Dr. Kuldeep Singh Sachdeva, Former Regional Director, The Union South East Asia-International Union Against Tuberculosisand Lung Disease (TheUnion) & Former Additional Director General, MoHFW, Delhi

Secretary cum Treasurer
Dr. Poonam Joon, Deputy Medical Superintendent, Sanjay Gandhi Hospital, New Delhi.

Joint Secretary
Dr. Chander Kant, Former Medical Superintendent, Satyavadi Raja Harish Chandra Hospital, Delhi

Executive Members

Dr. Jeevan Jha, Former Director Health Services, Govt. of NCT of Delhi

Dr. Neera Agnimitra, Director & Professor, Department of Social Work,University of Delhi

Dr. Anup Mohta, Director Professor, Department of Surgery, Lady Hardinge Medical College, Delhi

Dr. Aashima Dabas, Associate Professor, Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi

Dr. Indu Arneja, Founder, Indian Institute of Healthcare Communication, Delhi

Dr. KK Chopra, Former Director, New Delhi TB Center, State TB Training & Demonstration Centre, New Delhi.

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