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3rd Online lecture Series on Standard Treatment Guidelines : 2024 - 2025 Agenda
21-Dec-2024 to 15-Nov-2025 (3:00 - 5:30 PM)

Online Certificate Course in Antimicrobial Stewardship (CCAMS) Batch 10
24-Feb-2025 to 28-Feb-2025 (3:00 - 6:00 PM)

Standard Treatment Guidelines- A manual for medical therapeutics 7th Edn

Sangeeta Sharma
Professor and Head
Department of Neuropsychopharmacology,
Institute of Human Behaviour and
Allied Sciences, Delhi

President, Delhi Society for Promotion of
Rational Use of Drugs, New Delhi.

G.R. Sethi
Former Director Professor and Head,
Department of Paediatrics, Maulana Azad Medical College
and Lok Nayak Hospital, New Delhi

The seventh edition of the Standard Treatment Guidelines serves as a valuable point-of-care resource for healthcare professionals, empowering them to provide evidence-based, effective care to patients across diverse healthcare settings. The book has been updated with the latest recommendations, including new algorithms and revisions in critical areas.

  • A comprehensive manual that covers 350+ diseases across 11 specialties featuring contributions from a over 70 experts across healthcare sectors, and extensively reviewed by over 200 external experts.

  • Each disease provides stepwise management from primary to tertiary care settings as well as emphasis on a step-down approach, including pre-hospital care which is particularly crucial in emergency situations.

  • Evidence based point-of-care ready reckoner resource covers management approach, treatment goals, response assessment, management steps and patient education.
  • Updated with latest recommendations and treatment approach, triage such as hypertension, sepsis, burns, trauma, bleeding disorders, COPD, Tuberculosis, hemophilia, HIV/AIDS, and dental conditions.

  • New sections have been added on palliative care, psychiatric emergencies.
  • Navigate critical values and interpret serological markers confidently, with integrated Antimicrobial Stewardship principles providing insights for optimal antimicrobial usage. Ethical and legal considerations, prescription writing principles, medication safety guidelines and supplementary appendices ensure a well-rounded clinical approach.

  • A distinctive feature is the 'Patient Education' section for each disease, empowering both patients and doctors to make informed decisions.

Introducing a practical handbook for patient management:

  • Aid busy clinicians in making informed clinical decisions
  • Minimize inappropriate clinical variation in practice
  • Enhance quality of care and patient safety
  • User-friendly ready reference
  • Holistic approach to patient care
  • Up-to-date with the latest evidence-based practices
  • General practitioners
  • Undergraduate medical students
  • Postgraduates and resident doctors
  • Consultants & specialists
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